Hello, I'm Amit. I'm a Director, Founder & Reporter.

Some of the Area I’ve Worked With NGO

View Bharat News

On View Bharat News We Regularly Post News About In India’s News, we will always bring you the latest news and will continue to promote the national voice.

Rising India Welfare Association

Rising India Welfare Association or Trust is for the service of public, here poor and backward classes are helped.

View Public School

View Public School in this school, all the members of this school pay proper attention to the children, so that the future of the child is very bright and he can do something in his life and make the name of his country high, for this we are always working.

Amit Kumar

Founder View Public School

“शिक्षक मूर्तिकार के सामान होते है जिसके कठोर शब्द हथौड़े की चोट के सामान हो सकते है, पर उनका मकसद आपका ही व्यक्तित्व निखारना होता है”

About Me

I Will Help You Sports,
Study and Social-economical Issue's.

We are always able to serve you, whether it is in any area of ​​employment, in the area of ​​business, in the area of ​​education, or in the area of ​​society, if any atrocities are happening in the area, please contact us and get a solution.



Amit Kumar

Lead Director of View Public School

When I joined school outside home to study in my childhood, I came to know that there is no such school here which can give more information about the child, somehow I completed my studies and from that time I have become one of my own. decided to open the school. The village where my birth place is also where all children will be very well taken care of in the field of education so I started this school after completing my studies in 2013. It is famous as View Public School, this school started in 2013, which is giving very good results till now.

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